When I look at you, do I see a body or a soul? Or both? Saint Francis of Assisi was terrified of lepers, but when the words came to him: “let me see all beings as God in all of their distressing disguises,” his fear evaporated. When he saw the soul of the leper, he was able to heal the leper.
Mother Teresa is quoted to have said something similar. She saw Jesus in those she was caring for in the poverty of Calcutta, India. Thus was she able to love purely.
I was recently fat shamed by someone who knew me as an adolescent when I gained 80 pounds. She brought up an unpleasant memory from that time, one that I had forgotten.
Obesity in American culture is, as I’ve read, one of the most prevalent prejudices, above and beyond that of all forms of racism. Is it because you can still bring up this particular form of bias and get away with it?
When people have sexual intercourse together, what do they see, bodies or souls? Tantric Yoga is the act of sexual intercourse, all the while keeping focus on soul, not allowing lust or pure sexual energy override the union with another.
When I look at an obese human being, what do I see? Body or soul?
The real message here is to honor this lifetime by simultaneously living in the physical world while developing the union and interconnection with all beings everywhere. This meditation can be practiced on as well as off the meditation cushion. Love is love, after all.
In The Course In Miracles, we are training ourselves to reside in Soul Land. When doubt, loveless perception, attack, holding grievances arise, we offer our shortcomings immediately to the Holy Spirit. Hindus offer these character defects up to Kali, the Divine Mother.
Either way, it works. OM