As the drama of the CV19 vaccine overtakes the airwaves, I have quietly decided to partake in a Homeopathic Protocol that targets CV19 and the flu. It does this by messaging my immune system to strengthen and recognize the CV19 and flu virus if either or both threaten me on a cellular level.
I was raised with homeopathy. I received my homeopathic constitutional remedy at age 3. This enabled my immune system to be stronger, even as I didn’t always take care of myself.
A strong immune system is a bare necessity in this age of Covid. I scanned Twitter and Facebook last night to find many will not be taking the Big Pharma vaccine. No other vaccine in history has rolled out so fast. We have no idea of the long-term effects.
I probably had CV19 when Tomaso drew his last breath. The sheer shock of that moment drove the virus into Nirvana, along with Tomaso, never to return.
I was feeling sick. I thought I had “caught“ Tomaso‘s illness and was struggling not to get sicker. It was several weeks later when I put together the missing pieces.
If anyone reading this is interested in receiving the homeopathic remedy to guard against CV19 and the flu, please let me know. The contact person is a holistic practitioner, studying to be an RN. She reached out to me today to express apprehension of the rigid allopathic worldview of medicine as she simultaneously pursues alternative, traditional and natural therapies.
Nowadays, either or thinking does not yield flexibility and health, wealth or prosperity. We must integrate modalities, as we seek guidance from our inner source of wisdom. OM