Today I take a rest from the Recovery Steps and point my sights on being alone, plus the celebration of Sangha to regroup and tune in to the support we all need on the spiritual path.
I love living alone. I have many online groups I plug into as well. Often I have uninterrupted hours where I meditate and study the endless avenues for self inquiry. You could say living with a dog means I really don’t live alone, at all. When she isn’t napping, I love to see the world through her eyes.
I accept my aloneness. At first, I was fearful, but now, it’s a shimmering secret I have with my soul. My aloneness is precious.
The secret to loving being alone is to develop an unshakable sense of self-worth and self-love. Guilt and shame are long out-of-the-box. The multi dimensional reality of every moment is mine to explore. In fact, multi dimensionality is my go-to going forward to an unknowable future.
The only real wealth is health and a sense of eternal time, only experienced in the present moment. Love is the only reality, and each of us can experience it and all of its infinite varieties, even if we only give it to ourselves.
Today is the coldest day of the year (so far). My dog Pearl and I just came back from a walk to the park we both love. In our step by step journey, I came to the truth about my work place: it is not safe. I work mainly with the Amish who refuse to get vaccinated. Most of the staff including medical personnel also haven’t gotten their vaccination due to their undying love for He Who Will Not Be Named former president.
I may walk out of the workplace soon, never to return. When that door closes, another will open. Perhaps I need to envision a new future before I take the step that changes everything. 2022 just began. Winter has settled in. I will ride the wave of snow and ice before I make my decision. OM