The illusion of separateness leads to suffering. When we identify with our thoughts, our body, emotions instead of awakening into the reality that we are not our thoughts, body or emotions, we live in restriction and constriction of what the mind is capable of achieving.
To be with “what is” allows us to embrace Suffering into ourselves.
Suffering is inherent in form. Suffering is getting what you want and don’t want because the nature of life is constant change. (Impermanence). When you get what you want, someday it will fall away. When you get what you don’t want, is an exercise in faith in knowing it wasn’t meant to be. One door shuts as another door opens.
Suffering is rooted in the clinging of the mind, as when we identify with our thoughts, body and emotions.
When we identify with Spirit, we learn to exist beyond form, beyond duality of good and evil, beyond all separation: the journey of the spiritual path. When we are attached to reality, we suffer. But when we are involved in every moment of our lives, we are free. We become vehicles for another’s liberation, if that person is ready, not to mention our own. Attachment and involvement lead to entirely different results. The breaking off from a sense of wholeness began with Original Sin, and the Judeo Christian tradition bought into it, a breaking off from the whole into separateness. Achievements, competition and conditional love are directly related to the book of Genesis. Our job is to liberate ourselves from these hindrances that keep us from God, divinity, and universal liberation.
Let it all go. It’s a simple as that. OM
Sub Ek (All One) Neem Karoli Baba Maharaji