The light of the world shines in all of us, no matter what. When we behold someone’s joy or suffering as our own, and surrender into this connection, we will never be alone, again. As we practice sending love and cultivate a climate of loving patience in our lives, happiness is the unexpected result. As we look to our heart for peace of mind, we will find it. Looking to our past for reasons to judge causes discord.
The choice to embody happiness or judgement is mine every moment. The two are not equal, yielding two different states of mind, diametrically opposed. Which do you choose?
Today is a good day to practice forgiveness. Shift focus to see beyond perceived imperfections of those you have not forgiven. Look also to yourself and see past all the imperfections you made up about yourself.
Practicing forgiveness is not complicated: simply shift focus from so-called mistakes, guilt and shame to see the love and magnificence emanating from the auric field. As you hold others in the light, you perceive yourself standing with them. In this aspect of healing, grievances dissipate.
Forgiveness fosters kindness. The Dalai Lama says Kindness is the only true religion. Aldous Huxley said at the end of his life, Be a little kinder than you need to be.
Cultivate kindness, today. Focus on a person’s heart energy and look beyond their behavior. When put on the defensive, breathe consciously. People who lash out are in need of (your) love. You deserve to be happy. When you withhold kindness, you suffer. This is a decision you are free to make, but it benefits no one.
Everyone you meet today deserves your kindness. Kindness offered is kindness deserved.
Choose to celebrate the beauty in others, regardless of whether or not they can find it in themselves.
This is Kindness in action.