The next letter I pulled out of the box of letters is written to my sister Syd, by me, in 1977. This one is an eight page letter about a dream Syd had, and I shared her dream with a dream group we met with at the time. This particular dream group dissected Syd’s dream part by part. I even go into the theories of dream interpretation in the letter, like I was writing a PhD dissertation.
Our dream group did not analyze Syd’s dream, but rather offered suggestions, for instance, proposing that she compared circumstances of her dream to her belief system. Also never is it advised to analyze a dream for anyone else.
Next, I dive into how to record dreams, the notebook to use, how to dissect the dreams we remember. We take into account the events of the past week, months or years. We use the associations we might have about the dreamscape.
The dream may reveal what you need to know about something missed or ignored.
Usually a dream won’t tell you something you already know.
Questions to ask: what is the dream theme?
Any puns or humor the dream wishes to impart?
Take note of the dream characters and symbols that makes sense to you.
What is the dream message?
What action needs to be enacted? When action is taken, the dream life will uncover more in future dreams.
In the letter, I say the real work of a dream takes place within the dream itself.
I currently am involved in a dream group. I will ask my dream members what they think about that last statement. Plus my letter to Syd outlines a prophetic dream I had about a friend who subsequently died. I dreamed she flew off in a jet plane without me, and I was devastated. OM