Mechano Magic is what the nurses on the unit where I used to work called the treatment I wrote about on yesterday‘s blog: Mechano Magic. I began to call it that too. Why? Because it works to clear away bad moods, flushes toxins by way of the lymph system and even healed my mother from Hodgkin’s disease when I was in my early teens. Dr. Ella Kilgus gave Kitty Honey, my mother, treatments several times a week for many weeks. I knew Kitty Honey was open to healing and being healed, but still……
I taught my nursing colleagues how to do this treatment. Mostly they were more interested in being on the receiving end.
Now I imagine teaching partners how to do the treatment, to do it for each other in times of need. Many times, when Tomaso was in a-fib, I gave him a treatment, and he balanced out. When he got sick, I gave him treatments. I believe he came out of whatever illness he was experiencing faster than if I had not given him the treatment at all.
Back in the days when Dr. Ella hung out with William James the philosopher, they concocted the idea of doing the treatment on donkeys after they came out of Coal Mines, ready to die. The donkeys played a role in transporting miners into the toxic mine environment. The donkeys and miners were dying about the same rate from breathing toxic coal particles.
Sure enough, the donkeys who received the Mechano Magic did not die as quickly. I remember hearing their life expectancy was increased by half in some cases.
This treatment does not require more than 20 minutes of concentrated manipulation with prayer. Additionally, more than 20 minutes can cause headaches and pain. Also, you can keep your clothes on as you receive the treatment. In fact, it is preferable that you do.
After a little spring cleaning, and the leveling off of the pandemic, my house will be open for healing! OM