The day after our sixth 3 hour meditation experience with teacher Will Johnson, I went to get my first Covid Moderna vaccine. The meditation from the day before had left me, or more to the point found me, in a profoundly relaxed condition of mind, soul and body.
I got the vaccine at a pharmacy attached to a large supermarket at 12 noon, when everyone and their sister had converged on the place to shop. People seemed to be racing down the aisles at such a rapid clip they could not possibly have seen what was in front of them. I meditated the 15 minute wait after the vaccine administration, then attempted to take a leisurely walk through the store.
Our year long meditation retreat is creating culture shock as the world returns to a pace more accelerated than at any time before CV 19 shifted into slow down gear. Road rage is crazier than ever. That is why I continue to get my groceries delivered to my door.
Conversations about celestial speed ups have been going on as long as I can remember. Young people have also felt the effects of time quickening on their psyches. This feels different, more dangerous and ominous.
My remedy is to continue creating my own meditation oasis reality. Last week, I built another bookcase for my books to balance out my loving sanctuary. I’ve increased meditation periods to every few hours. Strolling through the park with Pearl is one glorious leisurely walking meditation, a source of simple delight.
To be a light in the world as the consumer society returns, requires an inner and outer slow down, purposely withdrawing from the race that takes so many lives from self imposed stress and heartbreak.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates
In order to self examine our lives, we must live intentionally, getting ahold of the hurry and hassle, and flow with the NOW itself.
What, we hurry? Om
My Evolving Meditation (and Writing) Oasis