As we pass through the valley of shadows which has fallen on America and all civilization as a consequence of the US Capital siege, it is now apparent our spiritual practice is no longer personal, if we ever thought it was. We embrace the collective even as we breathe and step into the larger world.
We are ready to take the leap of faith, a journey into the unknown, for those of us willing to take the sacrifices inherent in the work of bringing our democracy back from the brink of fascism. We must unhook from the confusion and simplify our spiritual practice to encompass both the suffering and the joy in an effort to clarify our wisdom-path going forward.
We must call the forces that haunt us by their true names. Fascism may offend some, but in order to conquer these forces we must fearlessly face them.
I was deeply impressed by the Capital Policeman who was chased up the steps of the US Capital by the right wing extremists. He took a quick glance to his left where our public servants were counting the votes of a peaceful transfer of power. In a quick decision, he made them chase him to the right and away from the danger and possible slaughter of our Congress people. He may have thought he was just doing his job. But he single-handedly saved all of us from the existential danger of a fascist take over.
Like our heroic Capital Policeman, we must charge into action as the passions at play attempt to steal our liberties. We must heroically rise to the occasion, as well. We can do this by looking into the group intelligence of other heroic souls who in reality are first responders, willing to resurrect a democracy in free fall.
We must align ourselves with the essentials of love and humanitarian concern, rather than short term power, profit and greed.
What part did all of us play in this freefall? How did we neglect our civic responsibilities? How did we compromise our values?
This wake up call is ours to own. OM