In this third week of the Ram Dass eight week immersion course, we are asked to deepen our purification practices. These could include meditation, yoga, praying, chanting, hanging out in Nature, singing, dancing, and allowing Spirit to lead the way.
I’ve lived alone now for fifteen months and from the moment Tomaso drew his last breath, I set out to purify my consciousness for however long I had left in this lifetime. The News Fast has been successful for several months. In fact, it may be time to turn off cable all together.
These purification practices strengthen the knowing of that part of ourselves that simply knows, is not confused, does not doubt, and proceeds no longer in a linear fashion, but in a fully dimensional reality.
We had our three hour meditation session with Will Johnson over the past weekend, and the process continues to deepen, like an endless artesian well.
I’ve decided to cut hours at work so I can offer “Mechano Magic” in my home. This technique is a purification tool working on the liver and lymph system, primarily, but all of our cells and organs are connect All One (sub ek), so form and formlessness are well taken care of.
The thought of simplifying my life further, continuing to take long daily walks with Pearl, tending to garden and home, is a comforting and pleasurable thought. I tried to Be Here Now in the workplace for the past forty years. I couldn’t do it. Fleeting moments, maybe, but mostly, I just wanted to stay home, surround myself with Saints and Gurus, and strengthen my relationship with Divinity on alters all through the house.
I’m not ambitious, don’t want to write anymore books, don’t want to be in the public eye, just want to pray and meditate for the rest of my life, taking it with me into the next.