This blog is a prescription to signify a different way of looking at the world. Far too many prescriptions are written by health care professionals to offer quick fixes, often altering the consciousness of their patients.
By the time a person is 60, she may have a medicine cabinet full of drugs that undoubtedly make a person feel directionless in this time of endless change.
The prescriptions on this blog are meant to bring you back to Source- naturally, without side effects.
A life of kindness and kind hearted gifts is what the world needs now. We must respect all people everywhere, or make the decision to do so. There is no other choice as we witness those closest to us die of CV19.
CV19 has given the gift of slowing down, pausing frequently to appreciate beauty and the luxury to simplify every aspect of our lives. Life has become a prayer that plant seeds into the psyche. These seeds, like all seeds, need time to germinate and grow, like a medicinal weed, a rose or iris. The seeds within us open to the sunlight, the rain and those times we wait for the returning sun. The cycles of life flow through all of us, as we wake up in these dark times.
Soon the seeds will yield a garden of our greatest joy. OM