Consciously expanding my energy field is a practice I held to throughout 2021. One way I found was using the breath to travel through the body, like an odyssey of self-discovery, lighting up each cell and molecule in the bodily temple.
Self Love is the result, leading to an amplification of what is real-the moment at hand without thoughts of past or future.
Using the breath in this way also dissolves bodily pain. It increases the experience of light and boundless love for all.
When I find myself saying, “I Love Myself,” old feelings of guilt and shame arise. These feelings have indoctrinated the culture to believe in one dimensional reality, a point A to point B linear approach to time, a shallow view of the world, the galaxies and the the Universe.
A group of us saw “Don’t Look Up” the other night on Netflix. The movie depicted consumption society, removed from nature, the sky and the earth. My favorite moment was when the Jennifer Lawrence character, after being socially ostracized for an emotional outburst on a TV news show, joined the homeless street people. They thought she was awesome. Those in authority banned her. She calmed down in the aura of acceptance given by rejected members of humanity.
Self love is diminished when looking to others for approval. Whenever I worry about what others might think, the act of creativity and boundless expression is thwarted.
Self Love depends on the courage to be me/you. Life is an act of creation. Life is an art form.
The Climate Crisis, CV19, authoritarianism is a reflection of overt denial inherent in the human species. I came upon this poem, today:
From a Normandy crucifix of 1632 by Charles Causley:
I am the great sun, but you do not see me,
I am your husband, but you turn away.
I am the captive, but you do not free me,
I am the captain but you will not obey.
I am the truth, but you will not believe me,
I am the city where you will not stay.
I am your wife, your child, but you will leave me,
I am that God to whom you will not pray.
I am your counsel, but you will not hear me,
I am your lover whom you will betray.
I am the victor, but you do not cheer me,
I am the holy dove whom you will slay.
I am your life, but if you will not name me,
Seal up your soul with tears, and never blame me.