Step One says we are powerless before a challenge we suddenly see, in a flash of revelation, that we need and furthermore WANT to change, if peace of mind is to be found.
Step Two says- Came to believe a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Here we are introduced almost immediately to the truth that we are not the center of the Universe. We can dig deep and find God, as you define it.
Substance misuse can completely be turned around. Any problem I have can be applied to the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I recognize my powerless in the face of continuing along the same destructive avenue of self-destruction and immediately turn around and ask for help.
Hope is birthed. Yes I must change, and I have hope it is possible to do so. There is a power that can change everything, if I allow that energy into my life.
One day at a time. Not forever. NOW.
Step Two depends on Step One. I accept change is possible and I feel this by a sense of absolute powerless, otherwise defined as hitting rock bottom.
The responsibility to change is within my grasp. I must move toward the journey of hope and possibility, with perfect faith that change IS a viable probability. It is as likely to happen as I believe it to be.
Your conception of God is your preference. It is a spiritual concept. No one is handing you your concept of God from the patriarchy, or old paradigms no longer serving spirit.
Your better you is waiting for you to arrive. OM