“When the student is ready, the teacher appears,” says the great oracles of all time.
“I am never upset for the reason I think” says A Course In Miracles.
The upsets point the way to what I have the opportunity to learn in order to strip away the ego and swim in the ocean of love, connecting with all, being one with all. In that way, the teachers are in everything and everyone. The upsets are like sore thumbs, needing immediate attention.
I have people in my life I still need to forgive. Three of those people passed me in the park yesterday and when they did not stop to say hello to Pearl, I seethed with anger. They did say hello to me as they hurried by. I could tell Pearl felt slighted by the way she kept going after them for their affection. For her sake, I calmed down and told her everything was OK.
Those three people are my teachers. How can I love them if I don’t like them? Ah, there is the challenge. I think the teaching is, I don’t have to like you in order to love you. It’s easy to love the people you like unconditionally but if I can see the way to love you, even if I don’t like you, I’ve taken a step toward my own freedom: freedom from the need to be loved or even liked, freedom to stay rooted in the Divine.
Honoring everyone I meet as my teacher is a wake up call to pay attention only to my own consciousness. As I do so, the universe becomes a safe and friendly place, showing me the arenas where I need to wake up and see where I still need to learn from everything and everybody.
My daily meditation practice is a teacher. It calms me down so I can be honest. OM