The winter doldrums, coupled with the acquittal of Donald J Trump, and enforced pandemic quarantine has made normal life, if there is such a thing, nearly impossible.
I watched the impeachment hearings with rapt attention. When Trump’s lawyer Michael van der Veen entered the picture, I had an uncanny sense I knew the man.
In 2003, as a nurse, I was involved in a shoulder dystocia birth which resulted in years of doctor visits and many reconstructive surgeries for the child. Finally, the family sued the hospital where I worked at the time of the birth injury. I was subpoenaed, as I knew one day I would be. The family hired a personal injury hot shot Philadelphia lawyer to defend their case, 12 years after the original event. These malpractice cases allow 18 years before a patient can no longer bring a lawsuit. I had six years to go before the case would have expired.
There wasn’t a week that went by I didn’t worry about the family and particularly myself. Would I lose my nursing career? Would I lose my home? I knew the day would come when I’d be called upon the carpet.
The hot shot Philadelphia lawyer was Michael van der Veen. He was mean-spirited and intent on tripping me up, and wanted me to blame the doctors and the midwife for the suffering brought on the family. Thankfully, my charting of the birth was impeccable, therefore when that was ascertained, he moved on to devour his next prey, the midwife and the doctors.
I defended my colleagues. They did the best they could, at the time. My heart also went out to the family. If our country had Medicare For All, this family would be taken care of.
Meanwhile, the monsters are unleashed on the American public in the guise of Trump and his souless followers, all because the Republicans believe in Trump over the republic and the constitution.
That’s about all I can take. Time for an extended news fast. Time for long meditations, quiet, tuning in to the inner world where peace can finally be found. OM