The American lifestyle makes it difficult to contemplate the nature of mind in relationship to the terminal reality of everyone’s life: the certainty of a non-determined, non-established moment when we pass from this life into the next.
We all have this in common, but as mentioned in yesterday’s post, the support for the exploration of death, the lack of fear and courage needed to do so, is lost in the outer hustle bustle, need to make money, and habits arising to avoid the inevitability of our death and the death of those we love.
We cannot seek for solutions in an outer world with antithetical belief systems that fuel violence and loveless perception.
The solutions at this time in my life, are found in a quiet solitude, powered by creating a sanctuary in my home, meditating, participating in a year long meditation retreat with Will Johnson, and sangha. So far, I am noticing where I need to change up my life. The news for instance, is an outer life phenomenon, creating feelings of unsettled worry and anxiety. In addition, I am mostly off social media, except to briefly contribute to groups I lead.
The pandemic has laid the groundwork for a quieter life. But more can be done to nurture the silence, the joy emanating from the spaciousness of the eternal Now, all within the context of the inner mind. Thus is the truth of life revealed, as the fear of death is released. OM