Any physical illness or diagnosis represents a microcosm to the macrocosm of healing. Beneath any diagnosis or illness lies a complex set of spiritual, physical and emotional dynamics. We give our spirit a gift as we look at illness, not as a problem in need of repair, but as a profound depth of being that longs to be realized yet rarely is, due to the human tendency to lose patience with the process, as well as becoming distracted by every day mundane tasks. When the attitude is lifted a few dimensions up the ladder of consciousness, a spirit of mirth and adventure supersedes looking at life as a mundane, boring ordeal. Think spiritual practice. Think aligning with a spiritual teacher. Think becoming friendly with the inevitability of death, whenever that amazing spiritual initiation occurs.
This adventure entails the excavation of the Self, allowing all else to fall away. This excavation involves a detachment from everything that has gone before- the need to win, the need to be right, old victim wounds, resentments and any ideas, theories or concepts we may have previously held about what life can teach us. This process is just a letting go of fear to embrace only Unconditional Love. Illness often falls away as we stand in the healing light of spirit.
Healing is a way of life. Healing is an evolution of consciousness as we lift ourselves above the physical plane of reality. Here in the West, people deny the spirit, especially the spirit surviving beyond the moment of “dropping the body.” I heard the saying over the weekend that earth is “forgiveness school.”
None of this is remotely taught in Nursing education. Or medical school. Illness is seen as a mistake and a failure.
Training the mind to see through the eyes of the soul is the only way to be happy NOW. OM