This has been a stressful week in minds and homes all across the US of A. The day the mob attacked the Capital in Washington DC, the atmosphere of the nation was electric, fear was polluting the airwaves and what I knew to be perfectly obvious all along, tRump had finally lost his mind.
Yet at this moment in time, he still holds the highest office of the land.
These states of mind, these thoughts, are choices that we make. When we allow our fears to be hijacked by tRump or anyone else, we give in to unconscious forces we need not succumb to, even as fear and chaos seem to be the overriding reality.
We must surrender the need to control (Impeach! Convict!) and ask powers greater than ourselves to erect a firewall against all the unbridled negativity.
As we breathe, all of creation breathes with us. As we step out into the moment, intending to heal ourselves and the world, the forces of healing are given new life.
We invoke healing love. We open the channels within to transform the influences of fear outside of ourselves. This is a choice we must make to still the inner turbulence of mind, body and spirit. We no longer have to recycle the fear through our energy system. We release and surrender to the highest good of all.
It is a choice. We listen for guidance as we make the decision to heal all wounds. If tRump is impossible to forgive at this point, then forgive yourself. Love yourself in the spirit of how Jesus, Krishna, Buddha loves you.
In other words, do not allow tRump to rent a space in your head.
Evict him now. Om