Sometimes we have to give up all preconceived concepts, knowledge, and experience based on what we’ve always known, to reach the pinnacle of awe that can only be defined as Mystical Perception.
This is what I experienced at the moment of Tomaso‘s last breath, leading to this point in “time.“ In truth, Tomaso’s last breath was a great experience of healing that only tumultuous change can reveal. Detachment from all I thought I knew has been the result: detachment from preconceived wounds, resentments, the need to compete or the need to understand based on the reasoning mind, are in process of relinquishment, with daily practice.
Real healing is the result of mystical surrender to God’s will, not my will, transcending religion, doctrine or opinion.
One Christmas, I bought Tomaso the complete letters and journals of Thomas Merton. I just decided to read them, because Merton’s mystical journey will give me clues that uncover my own.
Merton’s mystical perception began within the confines of Roman Catholicism, only to reach heights leaving behind all he’d ever known. Merton perceived his life through the eyes of the soul thus transcending the reasoning mind, while actively partaking in the politics of monastic life. He had no TV, no online shopping, no diversions other than activating his will to disappear into God’s will, as he stated, as all the great saints have stated. “Reveal yourself to me,“ said the great Hindu saint Paramahansa Yogananda, everyday of his life.
Balancing the affairs of daily living all the while harnessing the will of the Divine, reflects the true embodiment of conscious living.
As I embark on a spiritual retreat with Will Johnson throughout 2021, Tomaso’s spiritual teacher and now my own, more will be revealed.
Stay tuned. Om