Healing from disease or illness of any kind, or severity, is a mystical experience not explainable by the rational mind. I was raised with this belief and this belief alone drew Tomaso and I together.
My family changed family doctors when I was three and my sister Syd was eight. Syd almost died from complications after a hernia surgery, and her life was spared after we changed physicians to a homeopath who dedicated his life to the exploration of healing. His name was Henry Williams.
Henry save Tomaso from a certain death when Tomaso’s hemoglobin fell precipitously to five. At that time he was a chimney sweep, and hydrocarbons infected his blood and spirit. A simple homeopathic remedy – maybe not as simple as it appears - brought those levels to normal within a relatively short time span. Henry or Hal, as we called him, intuitively treated Tomaso with his “constitutional remedy.“ Tomaso also used that same remedy at times of physical illness and imbalance going forward. He always felt an immediate energetic heightening of perception, after administration of the remedy, perhaps fueled by the practice of gratitude.
The ability to forgive the past, accept what cannot be changed in yourself and in the lives of others, and the relinquishment of a personal agenda for what you think your healing should look like, was an agreed-upon assumption for Tomaso and me. Tomaso went on to have several more brushes with death, and as long as Hal was still alive, we consulted his comforting guidance. His presence was always an added ingredient to our own healing. And still is.
Healing makes a demand of all who seek robust health, even longevity into our 80s and beyond: that we focus on the elements requiring immediate attention and are essential for transformation of mind, body and spirit.
Lack of forgiveness is a root cause of soul sickness. We forgive, not with the rational mind, but with help from mystical sources of divine guidance.
CV 19 quarantines are perfect arenas for this exploration. OM