I got my CV19 booster yesterday and have the opportunity to lay low for the rest of the week, take long walks, meditate and watch comedy shows to laugh off the bodily angst. I will practice "A Course In Miracles" Lesson on the hourly meditation chime on my iPhone.
Technology can be used for the good. After Tomaso’s Last breath, I used technology to access spiritual teachings and teachers. The sudden change in my life was dramatic, good preparation for what is to come.
I choose to stay in the inspiration of each moment. I choose to use the technology at hand to enhance my everyday life.
It will be good to take a day or two where I stay in nature without the ringing of the telephone or need to talk to anyone except Pearl, the dog.
Love is fierce power. How simple can it get, but this? Regrets of shoulda woulda coulda complicates thought systems that rest in fear. Daily meditation practices decrease the consequences of these ruminations.
Yes we will still have fearful thoughts, but they are like things that go bump in the night, passing snippets of empty phantoms that take away from the power of love, found only in the present moment.
I marvel how much we analyze to the point of paralysis the things we don’t understand.
It’s an effort in futility. OM