Unconditional love is deathless. Babies are born with unconditional love, powerless, fearless. Then the fear creeps in. The birth of the ego arises and with it, the duality of soul and ego becomes ever present as we progress throughout our lives. The birth of the small separated self is a lifelong challenge to merge with a non-duality of unity and oneness, the true Reality.
Buddhism lists five fears that plague humans until we fearlessly face these fears, allowing them to fall way:
1) loss of life
2) loss of mind
3) loss of livelihood
4) fear of loss of reputation
5) fear of public speaking
All of these are great representatives of ego mind. If we allow the ego to predominate unconsciously without questioning, we become slave to these fears. When facing these fears, they invariably fall away.
All things rise and disappear. This is the nature of impermanence. We know the sunrise eventually gives way to nightfall descending upon the land. We know the cycles of the moon direct our lives, and the ocean, our emotions and menstrual cycle. The nature of change is the reality of our lives. Nothing stays the same unless you allow boredom to rule your life.
The lesson is to trust in the truth of your suffering and your joy, by trusting in my own. If not in this life, then the next in the ongoing universal moment to moment of this Now. We exist in a net of mutuality. Even the Republicans and Democrats are included.
This brother and sisterly love begins with me. Then we can see it everywhere and in everyone. OM