Last night, I went to my own birthday party, unlike any I’ve attended before in my 70 years of life. The food was delicious and the presentation was spectacular. Pictures are at the end of today’s blog.
My hostess dressed me up as a Moroccan princess, complete with a Princess Crown, sparklers on the cake candles, and when I blew them out, pictures were taken from all angles. My hostess is also the tenant of what used to be Tomaso’s and my “old farmhouse,” now transformed to a Moroccan Mecca, prime Lancaster County property along the Conestoga River.
My tenants are representatives of a culture Americans need to expose themselves to, because American culture has eroded into fast foods, disrespect, lack of civility, white supremacy and dare I say hate. The land of the free and the home of the brave need to meet my tenants. They need to eat the food, fresh from the earth, organic and so delicious you might want to die for it. Last night, I thought I did die and went to heaven, the love was larger than life and so real.
My friend Jenny put a red cardinal replica on my shoulder and we all agreed, Tomaso was present with us, also, enjoying the love, happy for the rent to own agreement I set up with these cultural giants, who want to preserve their heritage, customs, traditions, lifestyle and values of their home land.
They are my family. My niece Sonja came to visit this past summer, and she loved the experience at the Moroccan Mecca. My sister and husband and hopefully Sonja, her sisters and their children will come to visit this summer.
Interestingly, this concept of family can set off knee-jerk negative reactions from the common American mind. As this blog exemplifies, the human species is a challenge to love unconditionally. Love everyone as Neem Karoli Baba told Ram Dass. It starts within my heart and your heart, too.
Please meet my Moroccan family.
Take out and catering opportunities are available at this phone number: +1 (717) 606-5526