November 2, 2021

“Do nothing with the body but relax.”

This one piece of wisdom is what our entire year with Will Johnson has been about.

Watch your canine and feline friends. Watch the trees as they bend in the wind. Tune into the dividing cells as they oscillate within your body in this moment.

Dropping the mind is paramount to accomplishing total relaxation. We have to be in recovery from Western Civilization in order to be free.

The thinking of the world at large is on trial as we seek our own personal brand of liberation. War, strife, defense mechanisms, separation, greed, lust (seeing others as objects of our desires), holding grievances, I, me, mine and so on, is at the crux of holding rigidity in the body and the mind.

As I attended Tomaso as he drew his last breath, which I think about every day as I take my seat to practice Hollow Bamboo Breathing, I witnessed the ultimate letting go of the body as Tomaso simply dropped the body as vehicle up to that very moment in Linear Time.

That moment set me on an entirely different trajectory, even as mentioned in previous blog posts, my mother was a spiritual giant. The foundation had been laid.

The pandemic allowed me and many others, to explore the inner world of soul and spirit. 

Exploration of Self is joy. OM
