Mandalas are my favorite meditation for resting my eyes. Mandala has become a generic term for any plan, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, a microcosm of the universe from the human perspective.
Mandalas and haiku go together!
Earth Rise
Over us all
And in us, too.
Star Wheel
Mirror of the Galaxy
And Inner Consciousness.
Mandala Star
Rotates Inwardly
In the Third Eye.
The Mandala Star
Being of Radiance
Omnipresent Forever.
The Mandala Star
Inner Guide and Friend
Nudges me to Love.
Nothing Is All
All Is Nothing
In The Crystal Snow.
The Mandala Star
Creator Of Light
Celebrates the Whole of Life.
Shiva Dances
In Mandala Star
Awakens Soul Joy.
Mystic Revelations
Embedded In A Star
Within Us All.
The Joy of Ending
Begins Anew
In A Flower.