I just came back from the chiropractor. While I was there, he said, “Does Tomaso visit often?” I loved that he knew.
He said after his mother passed in 2018, she stays close to his sister, who lives in another state. It sounded as if she visits her son, my chiropractor, every now and then, as well.
Then there is the matter of reincarnation, which at one time was represented in the Holy Bible but extracted from those pages and hidden away or destroyed. Perhaps those pages are now located deep in the Vatican caverns.
In any case, Reincarnation is a “thing” and touted in spiritualist and yogi circles.
Years ago, a group of us met regularly to discuss “The Seth Material,” channeled by an entity named Seth through the channel, Jane Roberts. Those books changed my perspective. At the time, I had my first job after the wild commune days. The job was a rude reentry into the world, a dog kennel, also a boarding house for terriers, whom at the time, I considered to be loud constantly barking annoying creatures. The owners of the kennel were grumpy and mean spirited. I was their first experience with the counter culture. My only desire was to make a safe landing in alien territory.
The Seth Material lifted my depression, as I considered other possibilities that weren’t rooted in the ego driven, narrow focus of fame, ambition, labels and personality driven actors of destruction, like war, greed and Richard Nixon.
In the end, it probably doesn’t matter what happens after we die, because the inquiry takes us out of living in this one nanosecond.
I am content to let it all go in reverence to “the great mystery” and commune in the quiet sanctuary I call home.
Reincarnation is a possibility and probably is a reality.
But right now is enough. OM