Star, otherwise known as Twoilley, died on the day of the inauguration, 2021. She was my sister-in-law Jala‘s dog. The sadness is overwhelming. My brother died six months 10 days to the day of her dog. In reality, it’s a miracle Twoilley did not die sooner. She was almost 17 years old, amazing for a dog her size. Yet Twoilley knew Jala‘s ability to withstand her death wouldn’t be great at any time. So she waited until she could not wait any longer.
I Imagine my brother Delaney was waiting for her. Perhaps Tomaso was there, too, giving safe passage over the rainbow bridge.
Twoilley came to live with Jala and Delaney at age 11 when she was a abandoned next to the church where Jala and Delaney worked as custodians. Twoilley came to live next-door to the church in 2004, and all that time, she lived outdoors. Jala and Delaney saw her every day and rubbed her belly through the fence where she lived, and gave her treats.
Finally in 2015, Twoilley’s family moved away and left her stranded in the backyard. The minister’s wife took her to the pound. A workman fixing the house for the next tenant told Jala what had happened to the dog.
Jala looked through all of the five neighboring humane league postings of dogs and Twoilley’s name was the last one on all the listings. When they arrived retrieve Twoilley, she jumped up in perfect recognition, ready to go to her new home.
Jala was the main person who walked Twoilley because Delaney had hip and heart problems. This is often a great bonding experience between dog and owner. The same is true with Pearl and me. We’ve walked every day from her five month of age to present time, and now we are hard core walking addicts.
I have heard it said many times there is no greater loss a person can have then when her dog or cat passes on. In Jala‘s case, the great love of her life DD Delaney died July 2020. Twoilley is equal to that great love.
Never ever underestimate the eternal bond some of us have with our animal companions. There are no words. Just buckets full of tears. OM